Friday, May 27, 2011

Saying no to alcohol

What should a non-drinker do when he is stuck in a situation wherein he is obliged to drink with some men at a celebration? Would he accept the challenge just for them to respect him? Would he run the flow and pressure he is having? Or could he just say no?
I've been in this situation today with a guy friend at a girl classmate's house for her parents' wedding anniversary. They were three other girls, and we're only two boys around. We went out the room after we ate there, as requested by her a little tipsy father because he said the room is only for girls. We respected it as visitors. It was fine with us two and just went outside. Until suddenly her father asked us to drink a few beer with his aged friends at a prepared table outside the house. We declined, as expected, because we do not drink alcohol. But he insisted to sit with them. We insisted stronger, although we were only visitors, but we didn't want to drink with them already intoxicated. We decided to go ahead and go somewhere to prevent a commotion around.
I think the key here is how one copes up with an invitation depending on the one who asks for a drink. If he is already under the influence of alcohol, you may need a little style of saying no to the offer. It can take a lot of risk but it will soon pay off. Or if they're just starting a table, that would be a lot easy. Staying away would be the safest thing to do. For me.
Saying no to a bottle of beer may spoil some guy bonding, but everybody also have their choices. Choice to drink, or not to drink. And we choose the latter.

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